Creating a safe place for kids to grow and thrive in their faith.
welcome parents!
We want our church to be a place where your kids thrive and grow in the faith through thoughtful Biblical teaching and mentorship. We love to help children connect with Jesus through the Sacraments and there’s so many opportunities for your kids to do so! Preparation for Reconciliation and Eucharist is available for children starting in 2nd grade.
meet janine
Janine was born and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area. She received her Bachelor of Arts in Child and Adolescent Development from San Francisco State University and a Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministries from Santa Clara University. Janine has been involved in Faith Formation ministry for the past 21 years. During her free time, you’ll find Janine either hunting for the best bakery, coffee & boba shop in town or chasing waterfalls.
register your child today!
For more information on registration for Children and Youth Programs or Sacramental Preparation, please email:
Pre-K through 5th Grade
Young Disciples learn to encounter God through new friendships and experience everything from science experiments to laugh-out-loud skits that will help them know that Jesus loves them.
Sundays from 11:15am - 12:30pm
sacramental prepARation
We love to help children and youth connect with Jesus through the Sacraments. Preparation for Reconciliation and the Eucharist is available for children starting in 2nd grade.
Sacramental Prep meeting times vary throughout year. Contact below for times.
2nd & 4TH SUNDAYs
10AM MASS - English
1PM MASS - Espanol
What Is Children's Liturgy?
Children's Liturgy is actually the 'Liturgy of the Word with Children'. We cover the Sunday Gospel and readings at a level the children can understand and enjoy. We enrich this with discussion, prayers, and songs. We also try to raise awareness of God's love, the humanity of Jesus, the Seasons of the Church, the understanding of symbols in the Mass and the context of the Bible.
Our aim is to make the children's experience of church meaningful, helping them to grow in the faith of the Catholic Church and develop as full and active members of our Parish Community.
Why Children's Liturgy?
The first half of the Mass is the Liturgy of the Word where we listen to readings from the Bible, followed by the Homily. However, we all recognize that both of these are generally aimed towards the majority of the congregation which is essentially adult. This proves to be of little interest to a young child who may become bored, making church a negative experience.
Who can attend Children's Liturgy?
Children's Liturgy is open to all children of primary school age, from year Pre-K through 5th grade.
Dismissal is just before the first reading. The presider will call up the children, and a brief prayer will see them off. They'll rejoin during the offertory. Whether there's instrumental music during the dismissal is at the pianist's discretion.
The Eucharist is the source and summit of the Christian life. The term “Eucharist” originates from the Greek word eucharistia, meaning thanksgiving. In the Sacrament of the Eucharist, Jesus is truly present under the appearances of bread and wine.
The Sacrament Reconciliation is a Sacrament of Healing. In this sacrament, the Church celebrates God’s forgiveness. Our relationship with God and the Church is strengthened and our sins are forgiven.