worship lyrics


my delight is in you


Verse 1

My delight is in You Lord

On Your Word I set my heart

You are peace You are calm

For my restless soul

You light my way through the dark

Verse 2

I want to know You even more

Holiness is my desire

Purify burn in me

Come and make me clean

You refine me in Your fire


Here I am open arms

Draw me close to Your heart

You're my life You're my refuge

My delight

My delight is in You

My delight is in You

Verse 3

My delight is in You Lord

You're the treasure I have found

You're the rock where I stand

I will not be moved

All my life is in Your hands

Chris Tomlin, Christy Nockels, Jesse Reeves
CCLI Song #6517953
© Rising Springs Music; S. D. G. Publishing; Sweater Weather Music; Twelve Lions Music; Worship Together Music; worshiptogether.com songs
For use solely with the SongSelect® Terms of Use.  All rights reserved. www.ccli.com
CCLI License #21803256.

better is one day


Verse 1

How lovely is Your dwelling place

O Lord almighty

For my soul longs and even faints for You

For here my heart is satisfied

Within Your presence

I sing beneath the shadow of Your wings


Better is one day in Your courts

Better is one day in Your house

Better is one day in Your courts

Than thousands elsewhere

(Than thousands elsewhere)

Verse 2

One thing I ask and I would seek

To see Your beauty

To find You in the place

Your glory dwells


Bridge 1

My heart and flesh cry out

For You the living God

Your Spirit's water to my soul

I've tasted and I've seen

Come once again to me

I will draw near to You

I will draw near to You to You

Bridge 2

Better is one day better is one day

Better is one day than thousands elsewhere

Better is one day better is one day

Better is one day than thousands elsewhere

Matt Redman
CCLI Song #1097451
© 1995 Thankyou Music
For use solely with the SongSelect® Terms of Use.  All rights reserved. www.ccli.com
CCLI License #21803256

christ in me


Bid me to come to the place of sacrifice and holiness.

Make yourself known through the ordinary things of life.

Words of invitation offered up,

to receive and be transformed;

I wanna be new, to join a family, which, though many,

has one body and one Lord.

No one but you, Lord,

can change my life, restore the joy that I had before.

Change my heart and me me brand new in you;

a reflection of your glory, so that all can see the Christ in me.

Bid me to come, moving from where I am to where you are.

I wanna be where you are.

Lamb of God, I come, willing to share the cup and the cross.

Words of invitation offered up,

to receive and be transformed;

I wanna be new, to join a family, which, though many,

has one body and one Lord.

No one but you, Lord,

can change my life, restore the joy that I had before.

Change my heart and me me brand new in you;

a reflection of your glory, so that all can see the Christ in me.

M. Roger Holland II


christians let us love one another


1. Christians, let us love one another,

As we share the true living bread.

Jesus is our God and our brother;

With his flesh and blood we are fed.

Ev’ryone who loves is born of God.

Jesus is our life. God is love.

2. We who break this bread are one body,

We who share this cup are all one.

Children of our Father in heaven,

We are heirs with God’s only son.

Ev’ryone who loves is born of God.

Jesus is our life. God is love.

3. We who eat and drink at this table

Die and rise again with our Lord.

Drawing from our Rock living water

Giv’n to all who thirst for accord.

Ev’ryone who loves is born of God.

Jesus is our life. God is love.

4. On the path of life we may falter,

Earthly food alone leaves us weak;

Always you invite from the altar,

“Hungry souls their food here must seek.”

Ev’ryone who loves is born of God.

Jesus is our life. God is love.

5. Wheat and grape incarnate a myst’ry:

Jesus is the true living bread.

Let us eat with joy and thanksgiving,

Trusting in the word he has said.

Ev’ryone who loves is born of God.

Jesus is our life. God is love.

6. Jesus is the vine, we the branches;

We are grains of wheat, Christ the bread.

Those who eat this bread live forever,

One with Christ, our Lord and our Head.

Ev’ryone who loves is born of God.

Jesus is our life. God is love.

Text: 98 98 98; © 1973, Claudia Foltz, SNJM, and Armand Nigro, SJ. Published by OCP. All rights reserved.
Music: French, 17th cent.; Chansons populaires des Provinces de France, 1860.

Your Love is Better


1. As the bridegroom longs for the bride,

so you draw us to your side.

Yours a love so intimate,

here where earth and heaven kiss.

This is holy ground; this is holy ground.


Your love is better, your love is better,

your love is better than this life.

You hold me together; you’re with me forever.

Your love is better than this life.

2. The bitter taste of agony

in your cross, our destiny,

can’t compare to your sweet love:

the taste and sight of God above.

This is holy ground; this is holy ground.


I long for you, I yearn for you;

you are my heart’s desire.

I need you, Lord, to quench my soul;

it thirsts for you and you alone.

© 2010, Jackie François. Published by Spirit & Song®, a division of OCP. All rights reserved.





Renuévame Señor Jesús

Ya no quiero ser igual

Renuévame Señor Jesús

Pon en mí Tu corazón


Porque todo lo que hay dentro de mí

Necesita ser cambiado Señor

Porque todo lo que hay dentro de mi corazón

Necesita más de Ti


Necesita más de Ti

Necesita más de Ti

Jonathan M. Witt
CCLI Song #931941
© 1990 Grupo CanZion
For use solely with the SongSelect® Terms of Use.  All rights reserved. www.ccli.com
CCLI License #21803256

alabaré al señor


1. Qué bueno es cantarle a nuestro Padre.

Qué agradable es cantarle alabanzas.

Entonen al Señor cantos de gracias,

en honor a nuestro Dios toquen panderos.


Alabaré al Señor, alabaré al Señor

por las grandes maravillas que hace en mí. (bis)

2. Grande es nuestro Dios, todo lo puede,

nadie puede medir su inteligencia.

Sana corazones destrozados

y alivia las heridas más profundas.

3. Dichoso aquel que cuenta con su ayuda

y pone su esperanza en nuestro Padre.

Ilumina a los que andan en tinieblas,

devuelve la vista a los ciegos.

Letra: Basada en el Salmo 146 (147), 1. 3. 5. 7. Letra y música © 2008, Estela García y Rodolfo López. Obra publicada por Spirit & Song®, a division of OCP. Derechos reservados.

amemonos de corazón


1, 4. Amémonos de corazón,

no de labios solamente. (bis)

Para cuando Cristo venga,

para cuando Cristo venga

nos encuentre bien unidos. (bis)

2. ¿Cómo puedes tú orar

enojado con tu hermano? (bis)

Dios escucha la oración,

escucha la oración

cuando estás reconciliado. (bis)

3. ¿Cuántas veces debo yo

perdonar al que me ofende? (bis)

Setenta veces siete,

setenta veces siete,

perdonar al que me ofende. (bis)

Letra y música: Tradicional.



Verse 1

Llévame al inicio

Cuando en el jardín escuche Tu voz

Quiero estar cara a cara

Guíame de regreso a la comunión

Pre-Chorus 1

Y Todo fue tan simple

Fue muy fácil amar

Nada nos aparta

Fue muy fácil confiar


Estás más cerca que mi propia piel

Y en cada respiro de mi ser

Aquí cosas muertas hoy resucitan

Mi corazón late otra vez

No hay duda Eres mi amigo fiel

Verse 2

Tu estas cerca

Aquí te encuentro en el jardín

Esto es comunión

Dónde conocido estoy por Ti

Pre-Chorus 2

Y Todo fue tan simple

Eres fácil de amar

Nada nos aparta

En Ti puedo confiar


Aquí es donde debo estar

Solamente Tú y yo

Nada tengo que probar

Tú me aprobaste mi Señor


Aquí osas muertas hoy resucitan

Mi corazón late otra vez


No hay duda Eres mi amigo fiel


Vamp 1

No hay mejor lugar

No hay mejor lugar

Vamp 2

No hay mejor lugar

Aquí yo quiero estar

Brandon Lake, Dante Bowe, Jonathan Jay, Steffany Frizzell Gretzinger, Tony Brown
CCLI Song #7173019
© 2021 Bethel Worship Publishing; Brandon Lake Music; Heritage Worship Music Publishing; Maverick City Publishing; Maverick City Publishing Worldwide; Steffany Gretzinger Publishing; Tony Brown Music Designee; Let There Be Songs; Bethel Music Publishing
For use solely with the SongSelect® Terms of Use.  All rights reserved. www.ccli.com
CCLI License #21803256

con amor jovial



Con amor jovial, te glorificamos.

Tu cariño ha sido evidente ayer.

Y al trabajar juntos, mano a mano,

compartimos sueños del plan celestial.

Siempre fieles a tu amor

traeremos tu reino a luz.


1. Tú nos inspiras en nuestra misión,

queremos traer tu mensaje de amor.

Todos tenemos un don que aportar,

guíanos, oh Señor.

2. Embajadores del reino de Dios,

cada individuo importa en el plan.

Mezcla divina que eleva su voz

y anuncia tu salvación.

3. Vamos al mundo usando el poder

para servir a la comunidad.

Nuestra tarea nos une a tu ser,

dándonos santidad.


With rejoicing hearts we proclaim your glory;

we have known the fruit of your grace in the past.

Working hand in hand, we become your story;

and we share the dreams and the visions you've cast.

Ever faithful to your love,

we will bring your kingdom to light.


1. Touched by your promise, we live by your word,

bringing your Spirit to ev'ryone's heart.

Challenged to take on your mission of love,

each member must take part.

2. All generations respond to your call,

bringing the best of their own ministry.

Marvelous blend that becomes, through your love

a holy community.

3. Each one empowered to go to the world

serving and healing as you would have done.

As we progress in the heavenly plan,

we all unite as one.

© 1995, Jaime Cortez. Publsihed by OCP. All rights reserved.