
Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (OCIA)

A process dedicated to welcoming non-Catholics, those unbaptized, and Catholic adults wishing to deepen their faith and reconnect with the Sacraments.

An inquiry period can begin for anyone over the age of 18 who has not yet been baptized, or is inquiring on becoming a Roman Catholic, as well as Catholics desiring to complete their Initiation & Confirmation. Adult Faith Formation Sessions continue through May.

What is the Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (OCIA)?

When do we meet?

Sundays from 3:30 pm–4:45 pm followed by 5:00 pm Mass

The length of time in the OCIA process varies, as it is guided by each individual’s unique journey and readiness to receive the sacraments.

how long is the process?

OCIA offers a journey of faith, discovery, and transformation, which includes:

  • Learning about Catholic beliefs, worship, and the mission of the Church

  • Receiving the Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist

  • Growing in a personal relationship with God

  • Building connections within the parish community

  • Engaging in parish and community service

OCIA is open to individuals who:

  • Wish to join the Catholic Church through Baptism or Profession of Faith

  • Were baptized Catholic as infants but have not received Confirmation or First Eucharist

  • Have been baptized in another Christian tradition and seek to enter the Catholic Church

  • Are practicing Catholics eager to deepen their understanding of the Catholic faith